Monday, November 1, 2010

Loreal Castro - An Angel in Heaven

I can’t stop thinking about this beautiful and good-hearted young lady (right of picture) who was taken from this earth at such a young and precious age of 17. How the parents of this child are suffering with great agony over their loss. I can’t even imagine losing one of my own daughters in such a tragic way. I lost my brother at the age of 11 years old and it was devastating to me, but at the time I couldn’t relate with my mother’s pain.  Now as a mother, it makes me so sad and my heart is aching for her parents and the rest of her family. May they take comfort in the Lord.
Matthew 5:4 - Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Almighty Father, eternal God, hear our prayers for Your daughter Loreal whom You have called from this life to Yourself. Grant her light, happiness, and peace. Let her pass in safety through the gates of death, and live forever with all Your saints in the light You promised to Abraham and to all his descendants in faith. Guard her from all harm and on that great day of resurrection and reward, raise her up with all Your saints. Pardon her sins and give her eternal life in Your kingdom. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



  1. so sad to hear the news about this prayers go out to her family..

  2. Nerissa, it seems like just yesterday when our girls were this small. :(
