Sunday, November 7, 2010

A Case of Letting Go and Letting God

As many of you may know or may not know....I can be a control freak!!
It is somewhat of a burden that I picked up on the way while living life. I won't get into any detail this time about my weakness, but I do want to share a time when God spoke to me loud and clear.
A few weeks ago, we had a full scheduled Sunday which included three Masses and one meeting. I accompanied my oldest daughter to the 7:45am Mass. She was asked to give her testimony at this time of the New Life Retreat she had recently attended. We (the whole family) had a meeting in the parish center at 9am before our normal 11:45 Mass time where we attend with family and friends. On that particular day, Alyssa also was going to be a lector for the evening Youth Mass which is given once a month. 

During the 7:45 Mass, I started worrying that Richard and the rest of the girls would not  be ready and on time for the meeting. As the choir was singing the Offertory song and the gifts were being taken to the altar, I turned to Alyssa and asked her when she wanted to receive Communion. Her reply was the Youth Mass because like me, she thought we could only receive the Eucharist once a day…we were wrong. So I said grab your things and we will walk out behind those that are coming back from taking the gifts up. Notice how I diverted the reason for leaving the Mass. Well, things did not work out as I planned and never had I seen those taking up the gifts split to the left and right instead of down the aisle to the back. Oh, and just to clear something up real quick…..I’ve never skipped out on church after a homily, especially before being able to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, and it wasn’t going to be my first that day either.
That was the moment I heard God tell me "Sit down, I am in control". I then chose to surrender my worries to Him and felt instantly at peace. God gave me another message a few minutes later but that has to be another blog (I’ll make it the next one).
Well, Mass ended and I walked out of the church towards the parish center and there was my truck…..the carriage that had brought forth my children with a knight (their daddy, my hubby) behind the wheel. God was so in control. I was stressing for nothing!!
 I sometimes have to remind myself HELLO……God caused the Red Sea to split to each side and created dry ground through the sea, He fed over 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish with food left over, and last but not least….God loves me so much He gave His one and only Son to die so that I may have eternal life.
He has a much better plan for me then to be sitting around worrying about the small stuff. I know that!!!
He has a bigger and better plan for you too…just have FAITH and BELIEVE!!!!

Love and Peace,


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5


  1. I'm in the same boat! Total control and neat freak!!!
    Hardest thing for me to do has always beentto let go and let God!
    Have learned the hard way that its the only way to go...He is so good to me in always forgiving me when I can be so stubborn! Thank You Gos for always being by my side guiding me and loving me:0)

  2. As Christians we sometimes have a hard time letting go. We know we are supposed to but we also want to feel the thrill of accomplishment. Its comforting to realize that when we have done our best and then let God do his part, the victory is ours and the glory is His!

    Great post!!

  3. Thanks for your comments! You know, I had written "total" in front of control freak and decided to delete it....probably because it was closer to the truth but didn't want to admit it. :/ I think all those on the same boat need to take a cruise!!!!
