Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dear God, It's me Delfina

Dear God,
This is Delfina.
I am broken. I have tried to fix myself but I can’t do it.
I know you are an all powerful God who loves us and saves those who are crushed in Spirit. I need you.
My walk with Christ has been more like a sluggish crawl. I don’t have it all together as it may seem to others sometimes. I know without you I’m nothing. I am a human fighting my flesh and it’s hard when I can’t feel your presence. Why can’t I feel your presence? I know you are there. I know that’s all I have to do is call on you. 
I need more Faith!! God, give me more Grace so I may have more Faith!
I want to follow you. I don’t want to follow you at a distance but close enough to be seen with you. Right when I get so close, I take a few steps back until I go completely numb and feel incomplete inside. Am I feeling unworthy of a relationship with you because of the guilt of my sins against you? Or could it be that I feel I’m just unlovable?
I desire and need to be completely restored.
I want your Son Jesus….to come into my heart and turn my world upside down!
I want to be completely restored so that YOU can restore the earth through your hands and feet, which I your child, can become along with my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I know you hear me and even love me so much that you will not leave me the way I am right now.
I love you. I Need You. I Desire You.
Yours Truly,
Your Daughter


  1. It's like you were reading my thoughts...thanks Del...<3
    I don't know what Going on lately:((
    Don't like it!

  2. It's a hole we get caught in but I've made the decision to get out. The best thing is when I do make that decision He is immediately by my side and I feel His love. I think my problem is I overestimate my Faith sometimes and I start going at things on my own. Not good!

    Let me know if you'd like to talk more.

