Saturday, September 21, 2013

Awakened by a smell.....

What is it about smells that do not change and remind us of our childhood? Whether it be a home cooked meal or an old school building where you once attended. There's even those smells you pick up in the wind that are familiar from way back when, but can't put your finger on it. Is this a reminder from God that we are the same person and He loves us today as He did then when we were innocent and life was simple. Then there's those smells that may remind us of painful and less happy times. Are these reminders from God that we struggled but survived this time maybe through are own faith or the help of those faithfuls around us? Is this His reminder to be more childlike?

Which brings me to scripture......

Matthew 18: 3  Amen I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

I believe not only should we become childlike because of the supposed innocence of children but because of their complete dependence on, and trust in, their parents. So must we be, in respect to our Holy Father.

I didn't write all my thoughts on this subject but opened to discuss more and on other senses.
Love and peace,
