Friday, October 12, 2012

Mini Make-up Review or NOT

Why hello there!

I know I am officially the worse blogger ever!! As a matter of fact, tomorrow will be a year that I last posted. I think it counts a little that I didn't let a year go by right?! Yeah, I think so too. Any who!!

You're probably wondering what brought me back to my blog.

Well, I could say a night out on the town with the bestie who came in from out of town, woke me up out of bed to tell those we met that I can dance, I'm not human and I need to be on Adderall (medication which can help reduce symptoms of hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity). Those who know me even just a little bit know I have lots of energy.

That's not it though, it's what happened right before we got off the car and again when we sat at the bar.

My friend looked at me before we got off the car and said, "Do you have dark circles under your eyes? Yeah, here use this." She hands me a small tube of what looks to me like foundation or something, but smaller. I dotted the "wand" under my eyes and carefully rubbed it in. I couldn't really see a difference in the car since it was dark. Of course then she went on to say, "Do you need powder, mascara, eyeliner, lipstick?". If I didn't know better I would have thought she was trying to say something other then just sharing her precious products.....or was she?

**Can I start a sentence with a preposition these days.....lots has changed you know! Don't judge!**

AT the bar, I told her I couldn't believe she got me out of bed and with my eyebrows looking so horrible to say the least. You should have seen the look of disgust which quickly turned to disapproval as she took notice of my eyebrows. She quickly reached into her magic hat (purse) and pulled out another small tube looking like the last to me and said, "hurry, cover that up!". As I was applying the miracle rub on my unwanted brow hair (sounds so ugly....I'm embarrassed once again), it started to disappear. Wow, how did that happen?!?! I only questioned it once and moved on convinced I needed some of my own.

I proceeded to go to the restroom and saw the results of the first tube I had applied. I was amazed again how the proof of not enough sleep was wiped away instantly.

So now, let me get to the point of this posting!

I'm going to get me some this stuff......High Beams and Stay Don't Stray!! End of review. :-)

 Ok, I have to go now because I have a 3:15 appoinment to get my eyebrows done.....can't be late!

Be back soon,
